Click here to go to the online petition to show your support for Shea's conditional pardon.
Since being incarcerated I have tried to take advantage of the various programs provided by the Department of Corrections. Actually, allow me to correct that statement. Since 2015 I have tried to take advantage of the various programs provided by the Department of Corrections. The reason for my tardiness in my efforts to correct the errors in my judgement and decision making was because I honestly believed there was no reason for me to do so. As I have stated on other pages of this site, I did not believe I was the problem and therefore nothing needed to be fixed within me. I could not of been more wrong in that belief. However, just because I was now ready to make the changes needed to begin the repair of character defects does not mean it'll happen overnight and one of the reasons for this is because when you have a sentence to serve as I do, and the remainder left to serve is just as lengthy as that already served, you will be put on the bottom of any waiting list which you are placed on. Then when you move up on the waiting list and somebody else is later placed on the same waiting list and if that individual's release date is before yours their name will be placed before yours and you will be pushed back towards the bottom of the wait list. At this time, any wait list I am on I have been on it for a minimum of 3 years and the longest is going on, or beyond 11 years.
With that said, I just wanted to explain to you the struggle one has who has a lot of time to do in getting into programs. That is once that individual decides to voluntarily sign up for the programs. But, that struggle doesn't have to detour one from reforming themselves and taking matter into their own hands such as I have been doing myself. Other than learning HTML5 and building these pages from my prison cell, not bragging or anything, I have voluntarily paid for correspondence programs/courses through the mail. Below is a list of my achievements and they are marked whether or not they were Department of Corrections programs or ones that I did on my own through correspondence.
- ?? 2009-2010 -- Building Maintenance Repair and HVAC -- D.O.C. Program
- ?? 2009-2010 -- OSHA Training and Certification -- D.O.C. Program
- March 2011 -- Substance Abuse Psycho Education Program Phase 1 and Phase 2 -- D.O.C. Program
- April 2011 -- Certificate of Recognition for being 5 years charge free -- D.O.C. Awarded
- June 2019 -- Satisfactory completed Lock Out Tag Out Training -- D.O.C. Program
- June 2019 -- Satisfactory completed Bloodborne Pathogens Training -- D.O.C. Program
- June 2019 -- Satisfactory completed Chemical Spill Training -- D.O.C. Program
- June 2021 -- Personal Behavior, A Cognitive Behavioral Course -- Myself through ACCI, paid for myself with the Economic Impact Payment received from U.S. Government during pandemic
- June 2021 -- Business Management -- Myself through Stratford Career Institute, paid for by my mom and myself. Thanks mom, love ya'!
- July 2021 -- Theft/Shoplifting, A Cognitive Behavioral Course -- Myself through ACCI, paid for myself with the Economic Impact Payment received from U.S. Government during pandemic
- July 2021 -- Cognitive Behavior, A Cognitive Behavioral Course -- Myself through ACCI, paid for myself with the Economic Impact Payment received from U.S. Government during pandemic
- ** 2022 -- Drug and Alcohol Treatment Specialist -- Myself through Stratford Career Institute, paid for by my mom and myself.
- August 2023 -- Graduated Peer Recovery Specialist Training -- Provided by VADOC & DBHDS
- Presently,
as of this writing in September 2023
-- Awaiting transfer to Greensville Correctional Center to be a Trained Peer Recovery Specialist in the Intense Recovery Program for individuals who have overdosed in the past year. Program starts November 1st 2023.
What is a Peer Recovery Specialist?
A Peer Recovery Specialist fills many roles, which I will not go into at this time. But the simplest explanation of a Peer Recovery Specialist is this. A Peer Recovery Specialist is an individual who (a) has personal experience with a mental health and/or substance use problem, and with recovery from that problem, and (b) is willing to talk about their experience in order to help others trying to recover from these similar problems.
Well, there you have it. Other then maintaining a job while I have been eligible for employment, you see what I have been able to achieve in my time. I also continue my studies in webpage design and that is done on my own through books I buy, and are purchased for me through Amazon. At this time I am trying to learn responsive webpage designing and to be honestly blunt with you, I am very proud of what I have been able to achieve thus far. You should of seen my first couple of webpages I created when I first started. It looked like a box of crayons puked all over the place. Good times!
Even with what I had been able to accomplish to this day I still feel like I have not achieved my full potential and purpose that God has planned for me. If I am able/capable to use my situation to help others and I instead choose not to, then I would be letting myself, my family, and God down; which I am not willing to do. Being in here, in this environment where I am surrounded with individuals I do not share a common interest with will not be the end of my story. So, if you feel so moved to, please use the link above or below to show your support for my request for a conditional pardon.
Click here to go to the online petition to show your support for Shea's conditional pardon.
I want to take the time and thank everyone for the support you have given and also to all those that helped in getting these pages up. I can only look back on my past and shake my head at the total disregard I had for my actions not only when I was living high to high, but also when I was not under the influence. Now that I have fully committed myself to a clean and sober living for the past 2+ years I realize how very blessed I am to have individuals who stand by me.
The fact that you are reading what's on this, which was created by an individual who is sitting in a prison cell, is not of my doing alone. There is no way I am able to do this on my own and I thank God that He never gave up on me, just as my family never has either. I know that your support is not given lightly and I will not disappoint anyone by falling short of what's expected of me, neither now nor in the future upon my release.